Wednesday, July 21, 2010

listen people, I apologize for the lack of communication! My life has been slam packed with camp! When I'm not at camp, I'm with camp people orrrrrr soaking up as much time as I can with youth group people (whom I miss so so so so so much). BUT, I will say that I will write on what has been happening so very soon.

Camp has taught me so much. I have truly seen the value in talking to God constantly throughout the day. I feel like Christians refuse to think that praying without ceasing is possible, so they just give up and don't even try for it. That's not the attitude we are supposed to have. If God wrote it as instruction, then you do it, and if you feel like you can't do it... then you ask God for help with it. The days that I am constantly praying to my Father, I am at peace and I don't waste time saying things that are going to waste away to nothing... I actually think before I speak because if I'm not saying things to build up the surrounding cloud, then I might as well just spend that time talking to God.

God gave us voices... they were and are blessings to us. They are supposed to be used for Him, but they are a tool that Satan uses to help us sin. We open our mouths and we are either saying things that lift up His kingdom or hateful things that tear down our brothers and sisters or things that waste away to nothing. I don't want to look back on my life and realize that I said nothing of worth. That I just opened my mouth to just... speak... for the heck of it. If we are in constant conversation with God, the words that come out of our mouths won't disintegrate into nothingness... they can change the world and encourage even those who deem they can't be encouraged any longer...

I am sorry to leave this at such a cliff hanger... but, I must leave now to go be with my sweet, little Dragonflies!

I will finish later!

1 comment:

Janika said...

u r writing very smart stuff gotta say =) keep goin' girl, love ur writings! =)