Sunday, December 14, 2008

the cry of my heart is to bring you praise

"Let hope rise
And darkness tremble

In Your holy light
That every eye will see
Jesus our God
Great and mighty to be praised"

Let hope rise through the mercy God gives us. Let hope rise because of all he does, has done, and will do. Let hope rise from the example he leads me to set. Let hope rise from his Holy light.

Let darkness tremble at the light God gives me to shine. Let darkness tremble at what God does through me. Let darkness tremble at the way God uses me. Let darkness tremble at the amount of people God saves through me. Let darkness tremble from his Holy light.

My God is an awesome God, he reigns from Heaven above, with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God.

With everything, with everything, we will shout for your glory. With everything, with everything we will shout forth your praise.

Cause I know you gave, the world your only son for us to know your name, to live within the saviours love and he took my place, knowing he’d be crucified and you loved..
you loved, a people undeserving

Oh happy day, happy day,
you washed my sin away,
oh happy day, happy day,
ill never be the same.

and the cry of my heart is to bring you praise, from the inside out, Lord my soul, it cries out.

HIS daughter,
Daryl Lindsey

Let these lyrics be the some of the many prayers of my hearts.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow...that sums up every one of my feelings tonight,