Tuesday, December 16, 2008

desire to singsingsing

Gosh. Hillsong is pulling the strings of my heart. All day... all day I have been passing by the computer and going on youtube and watching to hillsong live... watching the love for Christ on those glorious singer's faces and those thousands of hands raised so high. It just brings me to tears at the movement God has erupting here and now within his sons and daughters. We lost tonight, I have a bunch of midterms tomorrow, I will be up for a long while doing schoolwork on account of no time during the day.. but listening and really studying those words just makes me not care.. I DONT CARE. I dont WANT to frown.. I dont WANT to complain.... all I want to do is sit on my bed and sing to God and read his word.... I know I need sleep, I know i need to study but... I have a desire to know God clearly (er than I am :p) and it is one of the desires that I just can't wait another day to fulfill. I do know that I need to give the Lord glory through everything, including my homework, so I will still study tonight.... I just had to write about the amazing feeling worship music gives me. Especially today.

He is Lord, He is Lord, sings my soul, He is the Lord, and he lives, yes he lives, Im alive cause Jesus lives,

Let the Earth resound with Praise, for our Savior God he reigns, He is high and lifted up, Arise, for the King of glory waits, He is coming back again, He is coming back again.

Daryl :]

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