Sunday, April 26, 2009

happy bday to the courtna!

it is the birthday of courtney lee williams :]

Dear Courtney,
I love love love love you and I am very siked this is the last hour of the first day of your seventeenth year. I think you might have shrunk from your old age.. you look shorter. maybe. I hope this glorious sunday was a happy day since it was a day of rest and not a wednesday.. the opposite of a day of rest. however, i like when your birthday is because it is in glorious 90 degree weather where there are flowers everywhere and you can eat ice cream and it doesnt make you shiver and there is only two more weeks of school. yes, your birthday is quite the day of celebration. so celebrate old woman!

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear courtneyyyy,
happy birthday to youu.

i love you courdy lee wilson :]
apparrelly fran for short.

p.s. I had some of your birthday cake today... to celebrate of course... and its funny.. i hate chocolate.. and icing... but because it was meant for the celebration of your birthday and rebecca's 1/2 ;] it was delicious.

it was a good day. a fantastic weekend. i love my friends. and college. and plays. and ultimate frisbee. and warm weather. and wedges and skirts. and hide n seek. and my uncle. who is here.

now on to school. yuck. also, i found a tick on me.. from playing ultimate.. so if you were there too... check for those yucky things. just. btw.


1 comment:

Courtney said...

Thanks Daryl!! And thanks for the hideous picture at the end and the good one at the beginning. AND I HATE TICKS.